Personal Trainer Liverpool Revitalise Your Health: Exploring the Power of Forest Exposure and Innovative Workout Strategies

Revitalise Your Health: Exploring the Power of Forest Exposure and Innovative Workout Strategies

Group of patients walking through a forest.

Breathe in the Green: How Forest Exposure Helps Cancer Patients and More

  • Cancer patients report significant improvements in their life quality when they're exposed to forests.

  • Powerlifting, a strength-building form of exercise, shows effectiveness across all life stages, with the rate of strength loss beginning only when you cross 69 at a minimal 0.35% per year.

  • For senior citizens, outdoor training sessions are giving new meaning to ageing gracefully, enhancing functionality and quality of life.

  • People suffering from sleep apnea can find solace in high-intensity interval training, which has been found to reduce the severity of sleep disturbances.

  • Strap on wider cuffs during blood flow restriction training for a boost in lower body explosive power.

Much more than just allowing us a breather, exposure to forests is shown to have therapeutic benefits for cancer patients.

Did you know that the quality of air, presence of diverse fauna, and the calming green surrounding can actually enhance a patient's life quality? It's therefore no surprise that many cancer hospitals are now promoting exposure to forests as a part of a comprehensive rehabilitation module.

Next, let's move to the gym.

Identifying the most beneficial forms of exercise can be a tough job, but research is here to help. Powerlifting, a form of strength training that includes squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, can help build muscle strength regardless of age. Taking on the weights can benefit everyone, from teens to those well into their sixties, with strength reduction of just 0.35% per year kicking in only after age 69.

For the ones who are getting on in years but don't want to let age dictate their lives, outdoor training can do wonders.

Be it walking, hiking, or swimming, the wide range of movements engages the whole body, vastly improving functionality and quality of life.

Now, onto a waking nightmare - Sleep apnea.

For those who struggle with this condition, high-intensity interval training presents a potential solution. According to studies, this form of exercise, that involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by rest periods can considerably reduce apnea severity.

Lastly, for fitness enthusiasts who have been in search of ways to improve lower body explosive power, blood flow restriction training is a godsend.

Especially if one uses a wider cuff. Fitness research highlights that when wider cuffs are used during this specific training method, which combines low-intensity exercise with blood flow restriction, it leads to improvements in lower body explosive power.

From a Personal Trainer's Perspective

Being a seasoned personal trainer, I can't stress enough the importance of varied and well-rounded exercise regimens. Whether it's powerlifting, high-intensity interval training or spending more time outdoors, different exercises offer a host of benefits across age groups and can target individual health conditions. Ensuring exercises meet individual needs is the cornerstone of any good, effective training plan.

The struggle with sleep apnea, for instance, is something I've seen amongst my clients.

It's promising to see that high-intensity interval training can lead to significant improvements in their quality of life. This just reaffirms the belief – variety and customisation is key to fitness.

For my older clients, getting them out of their comfort zones and into the outdoors has proven to bear splendid results.

Just like forest exposure can benefit cancer patients, outdoor fitness routines can immensely boost the well-being of our beloved elders. And for lifting enthusiasts returning to us after a break, we now have more pointers to make their routine more efficient.

In conclusion, Personal training is not one-size-fits-all.

It's about understanding human body's response to varied activities, and finding what works best for each person. But one thing holds true for all – strength training is our best bet against physical slowing down, no matter the age. And, the great outdoors is more beneficial, in more ways, than we ever imagined!

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